Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

-- Leonardo Da Vinci.

Big Investment Ltd.

Sep 2015 - now

Worked as a project manager, did a lot of github works.

Ansun Commercial Ltd.

May 2014 - May 2015

Dealed with members' data, created tools for management on Windows, used AAU, a scripting language. Designed and created homepage for company.

Carrot Tech

Sep 2013 - Mar 2014

Worked as an CTO at friend's company, designed and created pages with Wechat API for a tops food company in my hometown.

well, keep learning
html50 is my github ID, shows my ambition
css3 is very interesting, find more of it
little weak on this, need more effort
I think I have a good taste of color
I can ps some icons
also interesting, keep learning
sometimes I just need one more step for a perfect layout
Hello again.
Now I'm living in Beijing, majored in computer science and graduated from Henan University.
I like doing computer things since I'm a child, I've played tons of games. I started to create (copy source, i mean) web pages at 10 years old.
Recently, I began to spend lots of time on front-end development. Maybe I will have much fun with it.
I like playing basketball and making video, in spare time, reading is also an good option.
Yep, this is it. if you want to talk with me, email is best.